报告题目:Automated generation of 3D building models at multiple-LoD from ALS point clouds
报告专家:Hongchao Fan教授
报告时间:2024年10月29日 16:00-17:00
主持人:管海燕 教授
专家介绍:Prof. Dr. Hongchao Fan is professor for 3D Geoinformatics at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He obtained his master degree at University of Stuttgart in 2006 and his PhD degree at the Technical University of Munich in 2010. Then he worked as Group Leader for 3D Data Infrastructure at the Heidelberg University in Germany. He was professor at Wuhan University and has been professor at NTNU since 2018. His research interests include 3D city modelling, Photogrammetery, and laser scanning. He is currently Associated Editor of Big Earth Data and EB members of several SCI journals.
报告摘要:LoD3 building models are important elements in digital twins of cities. They include complicated roof structures and detailed façade geometries with rich semantic information. In this talk, Prof. Fan will present the recent research findings in generating 3D building models from LoD1 to LoD3 from Airborne Laser Scanning point clouds. This includes both deep learning based approaches and traditional methods by defining parameters and defining rules.